Growing Yucca tree inside

Yucca tree originates from America, where it thrives both in drier and wetter places of the country. You can find them in lowlands, dry beaches, rocky deserts, mountains... There are more than 40 different species of yucca trees and they are famous for their sharp leaves.



Yucca elephantipes is the type that is usually grown as a houseplant. They can grow up to three meters high.
Care Yuccas are very easy to maintain, they don't need much attention, but they require plenty of sunlight. Best placement for yucca is a southern window. Lack of the sunlight will reflect on the growth of the plant. In the summer yucca need to be watered two to three times a week, and in the winter only once a week. It is desirable to feed your yucca once a month in the time of growth, which is from spring to fall. From time to time, it is desirable to clean yuccas leaves from dust and filth. You can use a wet mop or you can shower the whole plant.

Replanting is not necessary, but the smaller yuccas can benefit from replanting once in two years, or you can replant your yucca when it outgrew current pot.

You can control the way you yucca grows by trimming offsprings and bigger branches. If you want to grow more yuccas from trimmed branches, place them into water. When  roots appear you can plant them in pots.

My experience Currently I have four yucca trees in my home. They are the least demanding of all of my plants. When you get yucca pick the place in your home which is sunny and out of the way, and don't move it, they don't like to be moved. Too much and too little watering can make yuccas leaves turn yellow, so be careful. My yuccas are inside in the winter and on the terrace from spring to fall. When I bring them out, I keep them from the direct sun for some time, until they adjust to new conditions. Last summer they got sun burns on the leaves, so in the hottest parts of the day, they are in the shades. Not everyone lives in same conditions so you need to watch your plants needs. Something that works for me, maybe will not work for you.
Yuccas grows really slow but with right care, they will be center point of your home for many years.
Yucca aloifalia
Yucca elephantipes


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