How to grow Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo is a very popular house plant. It is very easy to maintain because it requires almost no care. It is said that lucky bamboo brings good luck and good fortune to the inhabitants of
any space where it is grown.

Put your lucky bamboo in some bright place, but that way so he wouldn't be in direct sunlight. If you are not sure where to place him, it better to be in some darker place than in the direct sun. Leaves can turn yellow from too much sunlight or from the chlorine in the water. If any of the leaves turn yellow, you should remove them so new leaves can grow.
 More often you can see lucky bamboo placed in some nice vase filled with water and decorated with stones, but you can plant him in the soil.

If you choose to keep your bamboo in the water you should know that you'll need to change it once a week, and you should never put your bamboo in the fresh water because of chlorine. Leave the water in some bowl so the chlorine can evaporate.  You can decorate your vase with some stones, some sea shells or anything you find interesting. If you decide to plant your lucky bamboo, you should know that the soil should always be moist, but not soaking. You can spray him from time to time.

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