cactuses which are the same as him, but they looked fine. I didn't water them, so I don't know why he started to rot. I removed him from the pot, with his roots, and realized that the bottom part of the cactus with roots is rotten. I took a clean kitchen knife and cut off the rotten parts. If you ever have this problem with your cactuses, always use a clean knife or scissors, you don't want any bacteria on your plant. After removing rotten parts, I left my cactus to dry up by the window, because it's cold and the air is fresh. He's been there for a few days and the time has come to plant him in a new pot. Planting is the same as for any normal plant with roots. I placed him a little deeper in the soil so he can be stable. In this stage, he doesn't need watering. If you water him now he can rot all the way.
Development of the root may take few months. You can check if anything is happening by gently touching your cactus, and feeling if he is taking roots. If he is formed roots you can water him.
Fingers crossed that he will be fine.
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