Ferns as houseplants

Fern is one of the oldest plants. Most of them grow on the ground, on wet and shady places. There are about 12000 different kinds of ferns.

Fern can be a very decorative house plant. It is very easy to maintain but thrives better with proper
care. Ferns like cold and wet places protected from direct sun. You can place them in hallway or bathroom.
They like a lot of moisture in the air, so it's necessary to sprinkle them regularly. In the summer you should water them two to three times a week, and in the winter, one a week. You should sprinkle your fern every day, especially in the summer. That way you maintain your plant clean and you provide her necessary humidity.
It is best to replant your fern, once a year in the spring. When you replant your fern, don't plant it to deep in the ground, because new leaves will not be able to grow.
In the winter it is best to keep your fern on the temperature to 15C and in the summer to 21C.
One or two pots of fern can produce enough oxygen to purify the room from all toxins.
With right care, you will get green and rich plant which will freshen your home.

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