Water palm - Cyperus alternifolius

Water palms are very easy to maintain, anyone can have them. They can rise up to 1,5 meters. As they name says, they like water. The soil in the pot must be always wet, so you should water them every day. You can shower them from time to time. You can even plant them in the garden pond if you have one. They like a lot of sun, so put them close to a window.
If the leaves start to turn yellow, your palm probably needs more water. If they dry completely, you just need to cut out that stem.
Water palms grow very quickly. You can have more water palms from their leaves, you just need to cut the stem with the leaves, and put the end with the leaves in the water, and that part will produce roots.
Water palm can be a great addition to your home, and it's easy to maintain, just don't forget to water it.


This is mine water palm, she is over 1 meter high

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